Запис Детальніше

Козацтво Лівобережної України : економічний, соціально-правовий, військовий і політичний аспекти (кін. XVIII – поч. ХХ ст.)

Репозиторій Переяслав-Хмельницького державного педагогічного університету імені Григорія Сковороди

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Козацтво Лівобережної України : економічний, соціально-правовий, військовий і політичний аспекти (кін. XVIII – поч. ХХ ст.)
Left-bank Kozatstvo : economic, social, legal, militart and political aspects (late. XVIII - early. XX c.)
Creator Цигульський, Сергій М.
Cyghuljsjkyj, Serghij M.
Subject лівобережні козаки
земельне питання
право власності
добровольчі підрозділи
Лівобережна Україна
Російська імперія
the left-bank Cossacks
the land issue
volunteer units
the Left-Bank Ukraine
the Russian Empire
Description В дисертаційному дослідженні уперше системно висвітлено роль та місце лівобережних козаків в державній системі Російської імперії (1783–1914 рр.). Проаналізовано історіографічний досвід істориків з обраної теми, джерельну базу. Розкрито основні погляди можновладців на роль лівобережних козаків у становій системі імперії. Охарактеризовано права земельної власності козаків, їх особливості. Окреслено цілі та мету переселенських кампаній з лав козаків. Проаналізовано засади податкової політики держави щодо цієї категорії. Висвітлено процес формування добровольчих полків кавалерії з лівобережних козаків. Порівняно права, привілеї та обов’язки лівобережного козацтва з іншими категоріями державних селян та козацькими військовими утвореннями.
The place and the role of the Left-bank Cossacks in the state system of the Russian Empire (1783-1914) have been systematically ascertained in the dissertation research for the first time. Primary sources and the historiographic experiences of historians in the theme under consideration have been analyzed. The basic views of high-rank personalities on the role of the Left-bank Cossacks in the social-class system of the Empire have been revealed. The Cossacks land-holding rights and their features have been characterized. The intentions and aims of the Cossacks’ migration campaigns have been described. The main principles of the state fiscal policy, according to this category have been analyzed. The process of formation of volunteer cavalry regiments of the Left-bank Cossacks has been ascertained. The rights, privileges and duties of the Left-bank Cossacks have been compared with other categories of state peasants and Cossacks’ military formations.
This thesis is devoted to the analysis of the left-bank Cossacks’ role in the state mechanism of the Russian Empire in the late XVIII – early XX century. This work consists of the introduction, three sections, findings and the list of references and literature used.
The introduction characterises the topicality of thesis research, formulates the work objective and tasks, its object and subject, the chronological framework, the territorial boundaries, methods, the thesis scientific novelty, and the practical significance of results. It also contains information on the approbation of research results.
In the first section – Historiographical Analysis, Source Materials Research Base and Methodology – there has been analysed the level of historiographical coverage of the thesis topic and available published and unpublished sources, defined the methodological framework of research, and pointed out the lack of a systematic study of the left-bank Cossacks within the imperial management system (late XVIII – early XX century). The Cossacks are mentioned in scientific works in the context of migration policy, military operations, and tax policy. An important role in solving the identified research tasks has played archival materials, both published and unpublished.
The second section – Main Stages in Development of Social and Legal Status of Left-Bank Cossacks in Administrative System of Russian Empire –analyses the social and legal status of the Cossacks in the Chernigov and Poltava governorates in the imperial social system, the views of officials on the status of this category, the Cossacks’ resettlement campaigns and land issues.
At the end of XVIII – in the early XIX century, the Cossacks gradually integrated into the social mechanism of the Empire, were treated as state peasants and lost their
military benefits (due to introduced conscription). The Cossacks had the title to land. That land was divided into two categories: the Cossack’s hereditary land (with the limited right of sale) and the land purchased from members of other classes (without such limitations). The Cossacks were repeatedly used by the authorities for the settlement of border areas (strengthening the defence potential and reducing social tensions). In the tax policy, the Cossacks received the preferential fiscal treatment from the authorities by forming volunteer regiments, and since 1830s did not pay quitrent, but only for the right of distillation (as excise). In the II half of XIX century, they were released from the capitation. The Cossacks had preferences in the conscription too (15-year term instead of 25). In general, they clearly identified themselves as the Cossacks among the rural population in the early twentieth century.
The third section – Use of Military Capabilities of Left-Bank Cossacks and Organization of Irregular Cavalry Regiments of Class Representatives – deals with the formation of Little Russia’s regiments of light cavalry during the XIX century, the sources of funding such campaigns, the functional use of such units, their composition, and the level of discipline. The volunteer units of the left-bank Cossacks were created four times. The most large-scale campaign took place in 1812 to fight Napoleon. Later (in the first Polish uprising of 1830s, the Crimean War of 1850s and the second Polish uprising of 1860s), the number of regiments gradually reduced. A significant part of the material costs lied with the Cossack communities, and the state mostly provided only weapon. Due to lack of officers, the discipline suffered in some cases. The Cossacks were used mainly for policing and as border guards. And only during the war with Napoleon Cossack regiments fully participated in hostilities.
The findings summarize the work results.
Date 2015-08-17T12:08:56Z
Type Thesis
Identifier Цигульський С. М. Козацтво Лівобережної України : економічний, соціально-правовий, військовий і політичний аспекти (кін. XVIII – поч. ХХ ст.) : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. іст. наук : 07.00.01 - історіяУкраїни / С. М. Цигульський ; наук. кер. В. М. Орлик. - Переяслав-Хм. : Лукашевич О. М., 2015. - 21 с.
Language other
Publisher Лукашевич О. М.