Запис Детальніше

Відновлювана та нетрадиційна енергетика в Україні (початок ХХ – ХХІ ст.): провідні тенденції і перспективи розвитку

Репозиторій Переяслав-Хмельницького державного педагогічного університету імені Григорія Сковороди

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Відновлювана та нетрадиційна енергетика в Україні (початок ХХ – ХХІ ст.): провідні тенденції і перспективи розвитку
Renewable and alternative energy in Ukraine (the beginning of XX – XXI century): major trends and prospects of the development
Creator Гайдаєнко, Ігор В.
Ghajdajenko, Ighor V.
Subject відновлювана енергетика
історія науки й техніки
вітрова енергетика
відновлювані джерела енергії
renewable energy
the history of science and technology
wind energy
renewable energy
Description Дисертація присвячена комплексному дослідженню історії розвитку
відновлюваної енергетики в Україні початку ХХ – ХХІ ст. У роботі вперше
систематизовано різні за походженням джерела (архіви, періодика, патенти), які
розкривають історію становлення та розвитку галузі відновлюваної енергетики в
України початку ХХ – ХХІ ст. Розглянуто процес формування даної галузі під
впливом різних факторів – економічних, політичних, соціальних. Виявлено
внутрішні закономірності розвитку відновлюваної енергетики, її періоди,
проаналізовано вплив на дану галузь різноманітних зовнішніх чинників.
The dissertation is devoted to complex research of the history of renewable energy in
Ukraine during the beginning of XX – XXI century. For the first time in the work was
systematically varied different sources of the materials (literary and archival), which reveals
the history of the development and establishment of renewable energy in Ukraine during the
beginning of the XX to the XXI century.
The object of the dissertation is the renewable and alternative energy in Ukraine in the
period of formation and development (the beginning XX – XXI century) via the European
and world scientific achievements.
The subject of the research – changings in the scientific ideas, research practices,
technologies in the hydro, wind, solar renewable energy; formation of scientific schools,
scientific corporations, promising directions of scientific researches in the field of the
problem which is researched.
In the XXI century – the period of the global social challenges and dynamic social life,
applying of the traditional energy resources must be replaced by the renewable energy,
especially for the environmental safety of the plane. Therefore, we need to update
researches in the field of the history of renewable energy from the perspective of leading
development trends, harmonization of the energy needs of mankind and society, the
determining development prospects. Humanity paves way from expensive and
environmentally hazardous energy to renewable, nonconventional, mind changing habits,
socio-psychological instruction, of the nature and the social world. The relevance of the
research is due to explore the multidimensional experience of domestic renewable energy in
the early XX - XXI century, functioning of the scientific schools and centers of formation of
the scientific potential of the nation, implementing interdisciplinary knowledge from the
perspective of the network model of science. We need to develop the declared problems
conditioned by the fact that at the present stage of historical science lacks research on the
history of Ukraine renewable energy XX – XXI century. At the same time, the state of
renewable energy reveals the degree of civilization of nations and peoples, to encourage
awareness of responsibility and society by reducing the environmental burden on the planet,
forming general public «green» thinking, new ideas and progressive views for the future.
Additionally, the studied problem is considered from the human oriented view of the
development of the renewable and alternative energy: research practices, corporations,
scientists, manufacturers, engineers, designers community of this area of science and
In our time, when administrative and management reforms are holding, a significant
role in implementing of the renewable energy must play the local government structures,
which adjusts energy implementation according to regional needs. The state should create
favorable conditions for attracting investments (primarily private) and provide the ability to create support funds of alternative energy resources (AER) are most economically feasible
in the region. At the local level we need to decide which type of AER is most appropriate for
implementation and optimize the financial and other resource support. Thus, the existing
potential of AER in Ukraine, its scientific-industrial complex permits in the near future to
significantly increase the pace of increasing amounts of AER. But we need to learn the
experience of the European countries to create conditions to stimulate investment activity in
this area, attracting both own and foreign investment.
Ukraine should urgently carry out restructure its industrial complex in order to
optimize energy consumption and simultaneously minimize energy imports from Russia.
Along with the successful economic restructuring we need to solve the important problems
of the energy distributing and carrying, number of organizational, legal and technical energy
saving measures. The simultaneous implementation of organizational and legal measures
and significant changes in the economic structure of energy consumption can be reduced by
2-3 times. It should provide organizational and legal support energy saving to develop and
implement laws, standards, regulations of hazardous substances; the use of imported
energy; setting up the resources accouters; government support for the effective
implementation of new types of equipment, technologies, materials and so on. Later in
energy intensive sectors of the economy such as metallurgy, electricity, carbon, oil and gas
extraction and processing, municipal we need to implement measures that require
significant capital expenditures. Since most enterprises in these sectors are private, state
regulation setting up and implementation of national policies of the energy saving
technology in the interest of the country should be a priority, as well as the introduction of
effective economic and legal incentives.
The process of forming this brunch of the energy under the influence of various
factors – economic, political, social was described in the dissertation and in the research
was detected internal laws of development of renewable energy, its periods, the influence
on the industry a variety of external factors.
Date 2016-02-08T12:24:25Z
Type Thesis
Identifier Гайдаєнко І. В. Відновлювана та нетрадиційна енергетика в Україні (початок ХХ - ХХІ ст.) : провідні тенденції та перспективи розвитку : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. іст. наук: 07.00.07 - історія науки й техніки / І. В. Гайдаєнко ; наук. керівник Коцур В. П. - Переяслав-Хмельницький, 2015. - 24 с.
Language other
Publisher Лукашевич О. М.