Запис Детальніше

Рекрутська повинність в Наддніпрянській Україні (1795 – 1874 рр.)

Репозиторій Переяслав-Хмельницького державного педагогічного університету імені Григорія Сковороди

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Рекрутська повинність в Наддніпрянській Україні (1795 – 1874 рр.)
Recruit Conscription in Dniper Ukraine (1795 – 1874)
Creator Ковтун, Ігор О.
Kovtun, Ighor O.
Subject рекрут
Наддніпрянська Україна
військова повинність
рекрутський набір
єврейська громада
Російська імперія
військова служба
жеребова система рекрутських наборів
ухиляння від проходження військової служби
Dnieper Ukraine
military duty
recruit sets
Jewish society
Russian empire
military service
ticket system of recruit organization
voidance of military service
Description У дисертації досліджуються основні етапи, особливості та тенденції розвитку наукового
вивчення політики російського царату у сфері рекрутської повинності населення Наддніпрянської
України. Розглянуто види нормативно-правових актів Російської імперії щодо регулювання
рекрутської повинності. Досліджувана законодавча база структурована відповідно до сфери
регулювання рекрутської повинності. Аналізуються матеріали Повного зібрання законів
Російської імперії крізь призму регулювання рекрутської повинності. Досліджувана законодавча
база структурована відповідно до сфери регулювання рекрутської повинності. В роботі зроблено
спробу розкрити законодавчі ініціативи можновладців Російської імперії стосовно впровадження
рекрутської повинності серед єврейських громад та визначення системи покарань з метою
уникнути низького рівня участі єврейської громади у комплектуванні війська імперії у другій
половині ХІХ ст.
Ukraine enters the new millenium as an independent state. The historic chance of national revival
has been used in full.
From the time of the proclamation of independence Ukraine has been building its domestic and
foreign policy on the basis of full adherence to the norms and principles of international law, the UN
Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Helsinki Final Act, Paris Charter for New Europe and
other documents of the OSCE. But nevertheless the change in Russian foreign policy since 2014 has
highlighted our gaps in Russia-Ukraine neighbourhood and future relations. Russia is now huge
aggressor. Now everyone in the hole world could see Russia’s brining back to the Russian Empire past.
Ukraine, by contrast, seems perpetually unsure whether it truly wants to plump for a western way or to
keep at least one foot in the Soviet (Russian Empire) past. What we need now is revaluation of values for
better understanding that we don’t need any new Russian Empire in 21th century. We should build new
society, we need new army and new way of thinking how this new army should be.
The thesis
examines the
stages, characteristics and trends of scientific study of
Russian tsarist policies in the matter of recruit conscription policy of the population of Dnieper Ukraine.
Some kinds of normative and legal acts of Russian Empire through recruit conscription regulation are
viewed in this article. Conscription has historically focused on young men but the range of eligible ages
may be expanded to meet national demand. Legislation that are reviewed – structured in accordance with
the areas of recruit conscription regulation. It is grounded that the appropriate legislation base were
created to regulate recruit conscription. The material of Complete Collection of laws of the Russian
Empire through recruit conscription regulation is analyzed in this article. Legislation that is reviewed –
structured in accordance with the areas of recruit conscription regulation. The work deals with legislative
measures of Russian Empire with realization of the fulfilling of the compulsory military service among
Jewish societies and creating the system of punishment to avoid low level of Jewish participation in
Russian army formation in the second part of the XIX century. The analysis of recruit regulation the
personal touches and features of implementation the Jewish population of military duty in composition
the Russian army was made. The history of Jewish army serving in the first quarter of the nineteenth
century the threat of recruitment did not yet exist for Jews were examined. Until 1827, Jews in Russia
were forbidden to serve in the military. Instead, they were taxed for being denied the right to serve their
country. The impossibility of a Jew serving in the Russian military did not come at the request of the
Jewish community but from Russian law, which was designed to prevent Jews from serving their country.
Any contrary position would have forced the Russian oligarchy into giving Jews a measure of political
equality, which they had no intention of doing. In some countries where it was forbidden for Jews to
serve in the armed forces, their absence in the armies was offered as evidence that Jews were cowards,
unwilling to fight for their country.
The dissertation also deals with recruits and conscripts’ avoidance of military service in Russian
Empire army and the measures taken by the legal authorities to prevent such occurrences after
implementation of ticket system of recruit organization. The basis of our research consists of analysis of
legislation base on military service in Russian Empire. The author tried to investigate the main elements
of authority punishment for evasion of military service.
The question of recruits in the period of annexation of Dniper Ukraine to Russian empire was
delighted. The research works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists on this question were analysed in this
dissertation too. The author cleared up that tsarism systematically has improved acts, regulated the
recruiting obligation. The mobilization possibilities have been strengthened by recruits of this region. The
author has cleared up that recruiting obligation was the main in the system of serfdom and feudal
obligations. In hat very negative influence for all spheres of social life in the Right Bank Ukraine. The
scientist has retraced the material and economical influence of recruiting on the inhabitants of the Right
Bank Ukraine.
On the basis of sources analysis the attempt to trace the specific features in the development of
legislation in Russian empire concerning punishment in ticket system of recruiting is made.
Conclusion were made that furthermore, individual capacities and aptitudes differ for military as
well as for civilian occupations. Military forces can be most effective and the civilian economy most
productive when individuals choose for themselves among competing military and civilian alternatives. A
conscripted romantic poet may not make the best soldier. A conscripted machinist may be less productive
in the military than in the civilian economy.
In a hostile world, a country whose economy is barely growing cannot afford conscription's wastes.
It had better adopt efficient military compensation and other personnel policies generous enough to make
its volunteer armed forces work, and work well.
Date 2016-02-08T13:15:50Z
Type Thesis
Identifier Ковтун І. О. Рекрутська повинність в Наддніпрянській Україні (1795-1874 рр.) : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. іст. наук : 07.00.01 – історія України / І. О. Ковтун ; наук. кер. В. М. Орлик. – Переяслав-Хмельницький : Лукашевич О. М., 2015. – 18 с.
Language other
Publisher Лукашевич О. М.