Запис Детальніше

Витоки і становлення української політичної еліти (ІХ – середина ХVІІ ст.)

Репозиторій Переяслав-Хмельницького державного педагогічного університету імені Григорія Сковороди

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Витоки і становлення української політичної еліти (ІХ – середина ХVІІ ст.)
Sources and formation of the Ukrainian political elite (IX – the middle of the of the XVIIth century)
Creator Мельничук, Ігор А.
Meljnychuk, Ighor A.
Subject українська політична еліта
трансформація функцій і обсягу влади
середньовічна держава та суспільство
Ukrainian political elite
transformation of functions and extent of power
medieval state and society
Description У дисертації, з урахуванням надбань вітчизняної та зарубіжної історіографії,
на широкій і репрезентативній джерельній базі викладено результати дослідження
витоків і розвитку української політичної еліти протягом ІХ – першої половини
ХVІІ ст.
Здійснено спробу комплексного узагальнюючого аналізу еволюції вітчизняної
політичної еліти і пов’язаних з нею трансформацій структури, функцій і обсягу
влади в умовах середньовічної монархії, домінування польської і литовської
правлячої еліти, відродження у добу Козацтва. Відтворено методи підготовки
політичної еліти, способи її легітимізації, шляхи взаємопроникнення і зміни елітних
Сформульовано низку теоретичних положень та висновків, які дозволяють
простежити витоки політичної еліти, безперервність її подальшого розвитку,
тяглість завдань, спадкоємність функцій і ознак протягом досліджуваного періоду.
Taking into consideration the heritage of national and foreign historiography, the
dissertation on the broad and representative source base shows the results of investigation
of the origins and development of the Ukrainian political elite during the IX – the first half
of the XVIIth century. It was tried to make a complex resumptive analysis of the evolution
of national political elite and relative transformations of the structure, functions and extent
of power in the conditions of medieval monarchy. The influence of the city on the
formation and development of the state elite. Also the domination of Polish and Lithuanian
ruling elite, revival in the Cossacks epoch are analysed. The methods of political elite’s
training, ways of its legitimization, interpenetration and change of the elite groups are
Discovered line of confrontation between the ruling and not ruling Ukrainian
political elite and historical significance of this process.
The role of older “armed force” (the boyars) as the component of elite political
(military-economical and administrative elite of the state) in the process of its functions
and tasks increasing is revealed. The role of princely-magnat leadership of the political
elite on the Ukrainian lands is clarified. The possible reasons of princely elite layer
extinction in the XVIIth century are suggested. The content and reasons of transformation
of the Ukrainian princely-boyar elite layer in Lithuanian- Polish period are exposed.
A special accent is made on the reasons of creation of nobility as the only political
elite layer of the federative state, the stages of its realization are shown, also the
effectiveness of embodiment on the Ukrainian direction is analysed; the transformation of
the Ukrainian gentry elite in the Lithuanian-Polish period of national history is
investigated, its structure, functions and power extent are revealed.
After analyzing the model change of political elites in different periods, found that
the hierarchical structure of the conservative political elite and the society of the Middle
Ages and early modern times, built on the dogmatic Christian principles in politics and
everyday life, as well as joint economic model significantly complicated the process of
social convergence sectors, slowing down the natural process of change of elites.
In the dissertation the deep reasons of Cossacks origin are analysed, the stages of
conceptual and political formation of the Cossack rating elite are traced; the dynamics of
formation of the Cossack rating elite in the XVIth century is investigated. Also its further ideological and organizational evolution in the XVIIth century on the stage of the Cossack
state formation is researched. The content and character of the first steps to statehood
made by the rating political elite in the 1st half of the XVIIth century are explicated.
It is found that the national political elite to the ruling was investigated stages,
depending on the specific historical and political conditions changed only the amount of
power if the stage of state and political elite Middle Ages were in the full sense of the
ruling, the Lithuanian-Polish period of history management functions for the princely-
aristocratic elite were severely limited central administration of other states, and the
amount of power been marked legislatively controlled territories. Although the Ukrainian
political elite involved in governance through delegates in the caste representative bodies -
the Polish Sejm and Lithuanian Council of lords, its influence was offset by under Polish
and Lithuanian majority, and strategic political decisions were made Royal-princely elite
of these countries in their national interests. During this period the Ukrainian political elite
can be described as imperious (their lands) were ruling.
The prolonged political dominance of the centers of other countries deprived
Ukrainian political elite primary function, which ensures the creation of the state, namely
sovereignty. Hard political, ideological and religious pressures inherent in the Polish way
of incorporation, forced most of Ukrainian political elite under the circumstances and
adapt gradually assimilate finding legal political struggle by their place in the foreign
political systems.
It is proved that after the formation of Cossack environment officer elite and elite
formation Ukrainian Cossack republic's political elite has reclaimed the ruling political,
administrative and economic functions controlled in Ukraine.
Separately in each section carried the idea of the inextricable link Princely political
elite, Lithuanian-Polish and Cossack time the parameters of legitimacy, their leading role
in the eyes of the people because of the efforts of an elite strata to preserve national
identity, sustainable traditions of the past. Combines different generation Ukrainian
political elite common policy objectives: consolidation in Europe and the East, fighting the
same enemies - Steppe and Poland, the general emphasis on the idea of national unity.
During the study period in all generations of the political elite remained common
features. First military nature of the political elite led military-political system of
governance. Characteristic were deep cooperation with the Church, integration in the pan-
European events, feudal in nature, caused by agrarian model economy.
It is shown that during the period studied Ukrainian political elite retain legitimacy
in the eyes of neighboring countries. Even during the absence of state the end XVI - the
first half of the seventeenth century. Europe, Crimea, Turkey, Moscow recognized its
power and influence on Ukrainian territory, thus prefer to deal with Cossack Ukraine
directly, bypassing the official Warsaw.
The dissertation is based on the cross-disciplinary and inter-branch approach for the
fullest analysis of rounds and formation of the political elite with the attraction of the
theoretical potential and methods in politology, sociology, culturology and social
philosophy etc.
The chain of theoretical statements and conclusions is formulated, and it gives the
opportunity to follow the effluence of political elite, the continuity of its further
development, seriousness of the tasks, succession of functions and characteristics during
the investigated period.
Date 2016-02-09T09:28:13Z
Type Thesis
Identifier Мельничук І. А. Витоки і становлення української політичної еліти (ІХ - середина ХVІІ ст.) : історичний дискурс : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня докт. іст. наук : 07.00.01- історія України / І. А. Мельничук ; наук. консультант Сергійчук В. І. - К., 2015. - 47 с.
Language other
Publisher Лукашевич О. М.