Запис Детальніше

Важка промисловість Сходу і Півдня України під час Першої світової війни

Репозиторій Переяслав-Хмельницького державного педагогічного університету імені Григорія Сковороди

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Важка промисловість Сходу і Півдня України під час Першої світової війни
Heavy Industry of the Eastern and Southern Ukraine during the World War I
Creator Синявська, Лариса І.
Synjavsjka, Larysa I.
Subject Перша світова війна
Схід і Південь України
важка промисловість
державне регулювання
гірничо-видобувні підприємства
World War I
the East and South of Ukraine
heavy industry
mining enterprises
Description У дисертаційному дослідженні на основі аналізу широкого кола джерел, значна
частина з яких уперше вводиться до наукового обігу, висвітлено економічну
діяльність підприємств важкої промисловості Сходу і Півдня України в роки Першої
світової війни. Визначено вплив заходів, спрямованих на мілітаризацію
промисловості та посилення державного регулювання економіки на роботу
підприємств важкої індустрії в умовах ведення бойових дій. Висвітлено значення
антиурядових виступів, страйків, запровадження робітничого контролю для
організації роботи промисловості. Досліджено вплив руйнування економічних
зв’язків на організацію виробництва, його фінансування та збут готової продукції.
На основі застосування біхевіористичного аналізу висвітлено зусилля правлячих
верств із модернізації транспортної системи, коригування інфляційних процесів,
регулювання енергетичного ринку, а також зайнятості на підприємствах важкої
промисловості Сходу і Півдня України.
The analysis of a wide range of sources, which are first introduced into scientific
circulation was shown in the thesis. On the basis of an interdisciplinary approach impartial
analysis of heavy industry in Eastern and Southern Ukraine during the First World War
was made. The author detected the effect of measures which were aimed at strengthening
the militarization of industry and government regulation of the economy for work of heavy
industry enterprises in war conditions. The influence of social relations between the
nobility, the bourgeoisie and the working class and their impact on the organization of the
production process had been distinguished. The research deals with the importance of anti-
government protests, strikes, introducing workers’ control for the organization of the
industry. The specifics of workers’ committees at enterprises of different ownership and
specialization were traced in the thesis. In 1917 the utopian idea of worker participation in
the management of enterprises was demonstrated: workers’ committees not only included
some kind of workers capable to large-scale managerial work, the formation of logistics in
production management and staff, but also openly were engaged in the redistribution of
funds of enterprises in their favor. In addition, the workers’ demands to raise wages
gradually became unfeasible for most not only small but also medium sized enterprises.
Big enterprenours and businessmen, seeing no prospects of production, gradually refused
the investment, preferring withdrawal of capital abroad. Representatives of the absolute
majority of workers’ committees found very low levels of training and financial maturity
to provide additional investment.
The changes of horizontal industrial relations in the conditions of fighting and
character of the development of transport infrastructure, concentration of capital and
placement of specialized institutions were determined in the work. The author shows the
influence of political attitudes of different categories of employees on their participation in
productive activities taking into account workers social stratification by age, wealth and
gender, the reasons that influenced the behavior of political protests are depicted there.
The efforts of the Russian Empire, the Provisional Government and the Ukrainian
state authorities in the arear of the smooth operation of industrial plants are characterized
and the factors are specified standing in the way of this process. Therefore, the dynamics
and quality of life of the main categories of employees are determined and the weight of
government measures aimed to increase wages and the relationship between workers and
employers on different types of specialized establishments of heavy industry. The efforts
and contributions of both individuals and labor groups to ensure the smooth operation of
business enterprises are specified.
Based on the analysis of a wide range of archive material for the first time in
Ukrainian history the activities placed of marine enterprises in Ukraine of the World War I
were highlighted. The author gives the definition of the content, nature and characteristics
of execution of orders for the construction of ships of various types and purposes. It was
proved that the war marine enterprises continued to perform the most complex orders.
Their capacities were limited by displacement of Dock equipment, but the production of
technology, technical and human resources provided the fundamental building ship of any
existent type at the time. The greatest part of equipment supply for the ships construction
was organized involving companies located in the Russian Empire. The high level of plant
management and equipment of marine enterprises (primarily «Naval» and «Rossud») with
the help of the newest equipment allowed to build battleships-dreadnoughts. Besides, up-
to-date cruisers also built, destroyers of turbine power plants, submarines and a large
number of ships intended for transportation, and for amphibious operations. Odesa and
Sevastopol Admiralty, leased Russian shipping company and trade not only successfully
built ships for various purposes, but also provide refurbishment and retrofitting vehicles
for military needs.
On the basis of behavioral analysis the ruling class efforts to modernize the transport
system, adjustment of inflation, regulation of the energy market and employment in heavy
industry of the Eastern and Southern Ukraine was highlighted. Indicated that the economy
in war conditions acquired unprecedented proportions. Having established at the beginning
of the war control over private railways, the Government has drawn and implementation,
railways and other natural duties which size rapidly increased. The government of the
Russian Empire chose the intervention of the state in economic development with the
introduction of a number of emergency measures, among which are requisitioning,
sequestration, confiscation were strengthened. But the strengthening of state intervention
in the economy did not provide the expected results failed to stop the crisis, which
intensified in the industrial development of the East and South of Ukraine. Reckless
financial policy of the Russian Empire led to the rise of inflationary phenomena in scale,
which led to the destruction of economic activity and led to the collapse of the state.
Date 2016-02-09T09:50:32Z
Type Thesis
Identifier Синявська Л. І. Важка промисловість Сходу і Півдня України під час Першої світової війни : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня докт. іст. наук : 07.00.01– історія України / Л. І. Синявська ; наук. консультант Реєнт О. П. – К., 2015. – 41 с.
Language other
Publisher Лукашевич О. М.