Запис Детальніше

Simulation of electromagnetic field characteristics for metal conductive buses with rectangular cross-section

DSpace at Ternopil State Ivan Puluj Technical University

Переглянути архів Інформація
Поле Співвідношення
Title Simulation of electromagnetic field characteristics for metal conductive buses with rectangular cross-section
Creator Кириченко, Олександр Сергійович
Кириченко, Александр Сергеевич
Kyrychenko, Oleksandr
Subject electromagnetic field
magnetic induction
magnetic strength
metal buses
rectangular section
Description The numerical simulation of main characteristics of magnetic field for metal conductive buses of rectangular cross section is performed. The electromagnetic field pattern and quantitative parameters for magnetic induction, magnetic field strength and volumetric energy density are obtained. The graphic illustrations demonstrate visually the uneven distribution of the electromagnetic field on the geometry of the conductive bus. The usability of numerical analysis of the characteristics of electromagnetic field for metal conductive buses is shown.
Date 2017-08-17T10:40:26Z
Type Other
Identifier Kyrychenko O. Simulation of electromagnetic field characteristics for metal conductive buses with rectangular cross-section / О. Kyrychenko // Вісник аграрної науки Причорномор'я. - 2017. - Вип. 1 (93). - С. 171-180.
Language other
Format application/pdf
Publisher Миколаївський національний аграрний університет