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Composition and characteristic of subadult water frogs sample (Pelophylax esculentus complex)


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Title Composition and characteristic of subadult water frogs sample (Pelophylax esculentus complex)
Creator Biriuk, O.
Usova, O.
Meleshko, O.
Shabanov, D.
Date 2016-11-27T06:44:51Z
Type Presentation
Identifier Biriuk O., Usova O., Meleshko O., Shabanov D. Composition and characteristic of subadult water frogs sample (Pelophylax esculentus complex) // Poster for the 3rd International workshop–conference: Research and conservation of European herpetofauna and its environment: Bombina bombina, Emys orbicularis, and Coronella austriaca. — Daugavpils University, 24-25.09.2015
Language en
Publisher Daugavpils University