Переглянути архів Інформація
- » Transmission of cultural traits in layered ego-centric networks
Palchykov, V.; Kaski, K.; Kert\'esz, J.
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- » Collective emotion dynamics in chats with agents, moderators and Bots
Šuvakov, M.; Tadić, B.
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- » Exciton condensation in quantum wells. Exciton hydrodynamics. The effect of localized...
- » Self-organization of topological defects for a triangular-lattice magnetic dots array...
Khymyn, R.S.; Kireev, V.E.; Ivanov, B.O.
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- » Critical relaxation and the combined effects of spatial and temporal boundaries
Marcuzzi, M.; Gambassi, A.
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- » Stability of the Griffiths phase in a 2D Potts model with correlated disorder
- » Exact asymptotic expansion for the resistance between the center node and a node on the...
Izmailian, N.; Kenna, R.
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- » Directional depletion interactions in shaped particles
Scala, A.; De Sanctis Lucentini, P.G.
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- » Jamming and percolation of parallel squares in single-cluster growth model
Kriuchevskyi, I.A.; Bulavin, L.A.; Tarasevich, Yu.Yu.; Lebovka, N.I.
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- » Zubarev nonequilibrium statistical operator method in Renyi statistics....
Kostrobij, P.; Tokarchuk, R.; Tokarchuk, M.; Markiv, B.
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- » Universality and self-similar behaviour of non-equilibrium systems with non-Fickian...
Kharchenko, D.O.; Kharchenko, V.O.; Kokhan, S.V.
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- » N-point free energy distribution function in one dimensional random directed polymers
- » Lamplighter model of a random copolymer adsorption on a line
Nazarov, L.I.; Nechaev, S.K.; Tamm, M.V.
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- » Iterated Prisoners Dilemma with limited attention
Çetin, U.; Bingol, H.O.
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- » Novel morphologies for laterally decorated metaparticles: molecular dynamics simulation
Slyusarchuk, A.Y.; Ilnytskyi, J.M.
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- » Lagrangian approach in spin-oscillations problem
Pyshkin, P.V.; Kopeliovich, A.I.; Yanovsky, A.V.
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- » Thermodynamic and dynamic dielectric properties of one-dimensional hydrogen bonded...
Zachek, I.R.; Levitskii, R.R.; Shchur, Ya.; Bilenka, O.B.
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- » Heterophase liquid states: thermodynamics, structure, dynamics
- » The mechanism of domain-wall structure formation in Ar-Kr submonolayer films on graphite
Patrykiejew, A.; Soko\lowski, S.
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- » Electric cell voltage at etching and deposition of metals under an inhomogeneous...
Gorobets, O.Yu.; Gorobets, Yu.I.; Rospotniuk, V.P.; Legenkiy, Yu.A.
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- » A model study of cooperative binding of ionic surfactants to oppositely charged...
Nishio, T.; Shimizu, T.; Yoshida, Sh.; Minakata, A.
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- » The electronic properties of doped single walled carbon nanotubes and carbon nanotube...
- » Gas–liquid phase equilibrium in ionic fluids: Coulomb versus non-Coulomb interactions
- » Random-field Ising model: Insight from zero-temperature simulations
Theodorakis, P.E.; Fytas, N.G.
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- » The phase transition of the first order in the critical region of the gas-liquid system
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